Species Registration
To Register Birds Under The Grandfather Clause, Please Click Here
1. Complete Form
1. Email photo(s) to
Photo Instructions
A close up, clear photo of the bird on its stomach, showing the side of the bird’s head, wings extended, with the participant’s waterfowl ID card placed directly below the bill of the bird showing the waterfowl ID number clearly.


DRAKES ONLY are allowed for certification on all species of: puddle and diver ducks, sea ducks and mergansers except the Mottled duck.
Either sex are allowed on all species of: Geese, Cranes and Swans.
- Greater and Lesser Scaup – Due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to determine the difference between the two species, a second photo must be included for certification of these two species. The second photo must show the extended wing to show the white speculum in its entirety. Note: The Greater Scaup will have a white wing speculum that extends the entire length of the wing while the Lesser Scaup will have a white speculum that only extends half way across the wing.


- Canada Goose and Cackling Canada Goose – Due to the fact that there are 7 different sub species of Canada Geese and 4 different sub species of Cackling Canada Geese, we have elected to simplify these into two categories- Canada Geese and Cackling Canada Geese. To distinguish the difference between the two, there are two different criteria to go off of. Any Canada goose weighing more than 6 pounds will fall under the Canada goose species. Any Canada goose weighing less than 6 pounds will fall under the Cackling Canada Goose species. The second criteria are the length of the goose’s bill. A Cackling Canada Goose will have a short triangular bill normally less than an inch in length while a Canada goose will have a more elongated bill.
- Blue-winged Teal and Cinnamon Teal – Due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to determine the difference between the immature drake and hen Blue-winged Teal and Cinnamon Teal, a second photo may be needed for certification of these two species, if it is not evident that the bird is a drake. The second photo must show the extended wing to show the complete white speculum below the blue wing patch. On the drakes the white area will be clearly white, while the hens will have a speckled white wing speculum.
- Mottled Duck – The Mottled duck, found in the SE region of the United States is difficult to tell the difference between the male and female. Therefore either sex is allowed to certify this species.
- Black Duck – The Black duck, found throughout the United States is difficult to tell the difference between the male and female. Therefore either sex is allowed to certify this species.
- Fulvous Whistling Tree Duck – The Fulvous Whistling Tree Duck, found in Southern United States and throughout Mexico is difficult to tell the difference between the male and female. Therefore either sex is allowed to certify this species.
- Black Bellied Whistling Duck – The Black Bellied Whistling Duck, found in Southern United States and throughout Mexico is difficult to tell the difference between the male and female. Therefore either sex is allowed to certify this species.
You will receive email verification that your entry was successful within 7-10 business days
The goal is to legally and ethically harvest all 41 UWC Certified North American Waterfowl Species (see the official species list below).
Big Game Hunters have the Super Slam and the record books while Turkey Hunters have the Grand Slam. As waterfowl hunters what do we have? A banded bird every year or two if we are lucky.
That is why we have developed The Ultimate Waterfowlers Challenge (UWC). A system to certify and record every species of waterfowl that you harvest over the next 5-20 years. We will track each members list of waterfowl and certify each species on the UWC website.
It’s as simple as snapping a couple quick photos of the male bird you harvest and submitting a short online form to certify your bird.
Once you have successfully submitted a minimum of 15 of the 41 UWC Certified Waterfowl species your name and bio will be added to the Master Waterfowl Hunter page of the UWC website and you will receive a custom 14” x 17” wall plaque in the mail. There is no time limit to attain this certification.
Receive this Custom Master Waterfowl Hunter Plaque when you successfully register 15 of the 41 UWC species.
The second level above the Certified Journeyman Waterfowl Hunter is becoming a Certified Master Elite Waterfowl Hunter. To achieve this certification level a member must successfully harvest and become certified for a minimum of 30 of the 41 Official Certified UWC Species.
Once a member successfully certifies a minimum of 30 species, the status of Certified Master Elite Waterfowl Hunter has been achieved. The member will receive a custom 14” x 17” Master Elite Waterfowl Hunter wall plaque with their full certified waterfowl species list included on the plaque, as well as their favorite hunting photo.
(see adjacent image for choice of 3 different plaque options).
The member’s upgraded bio will also be added to the Master Elite Waterfowl Hunter page of the UWC website and they will have the ability to add their upgraded bio and three favorite photos added to the page for fellow waterfowl hunters to read.
Receive this Custom Master Elite Waterfowl Hunter Plaque when you successfully register 30 of the 41 UWC species.
For those waterfowl hunters who are a little crazy in the head and go for it all, successfully completing the challenge by certifying all 41 of the 41 UWC certified waterfowl species in North America. You will receive a custom engraved Grand Master Waterfowl Hunter name plated King Eider decoy with wood base. You will also receive a full bio on the Grand Master Waterfowl Hunter page of the UWC website. You have attained the highest level of waterfowl hunter certification across North America and have mastered your skills at both duck hunting and goose hunting!
Receive this Custom Engraved Grand Master Waterfowl Hunter King Eider Decoy with hunters name plated on a wood base when you successfully register all 41 UWC species.
Thank you very much for your interest in participating in the Ultimate Waterfowlers Challenge. To get started today simply CLICK HERE and get registered.
We look forward to the journey and expect to receive your start up kit within 7-10 business days.
The Official UWC Waterfowl species list includes:
Note: For All waterfowl other than Geese, Tundra Swans, Sandhill Cranes, Black Duck and the Mottled Duck, only drakes are able to be entered to certify a species.
Puddle Duck Division
- Mallard
- Pintail
- American Wigeon
- Gadwall
- Northern Shoveler
- Green-winged Teal
- Blue-winged Teal
- Cinnamon Teal
- Wood Duck
- Black Duck
- Mottled Duck
- Black Bellied Whistling Duck
- Fulvous Whistling Tree Duck
Diver Duck And Merganser Division
- Canvasback
- Redhead
- Greater Scaup
- Lesser Scaup
- Common Goldeneye
- Barrows Goldeneye
- Ruddy Duck
- Bufflehead
- Ring-necked Duck
- Hooded Merganser
- Common Merganser
- Red-breasted Merganser
Sea Ducks Division
- King Eider
- Common Eider
- Old Squaw (Long Tailed Duck)
- Harlequin Duck
- Common (Black) Scoter
- Surf Scoter
- White-winged Scoter
Geese, Swans and Cranes Division
- Tundra Swan
- Sandhill Crane
- Canada Goose
- Cackling Canada Goose
- Snow Goose
- Blue Goose
- Ross Goose
- White-fronted Goose (Specklebelly)
- Brant Goose
Bonus Waterfowl Division
(Waterfowl Species Outside Of The Official UWC NA Waterfowl Species List)
There are several other species of waterfowl that may be harvested in North America and many other waterfowl species found worldwide that do not fall into the 41 species of the Official UWC North American Waterfowl list, that may be harvested by a UWC participant. The species listed below are the most common additional waterfowl species that may be found in North America and are eligible to assist in attaining both the Master Waterfowl Hunter Certification and the Master Elite Waterfowl Hunter Certification. However all 41 species found on the Official UWC North American Waterfowl Species List must be harvested and certified to attain the Grand Master Waterfowl Hunter Certification.
Any of the waterfowl species submitted below will also be added to the UWC Member’s online waterfowl species list for additional accreditation and recognition after achieving the Grand Master Waterfowl Hunter Certification.
- Eurasian Wigeon
- Tufted Duck
- Mexican Duck
- Eurasian Teal
- White-Cheeked Pintail
- Masked Duck
- Blue Phased Ross Goose
- Barnacle Goose
- Pink Footed Goose
- Any Hybrid Species Of Waterfowl
NOTE: On the Official Species Registration Form, please write in “Other” on the line for species harvested and fill out the short addendum form also found on the Species Registration page of the UWC website for any waterfowl species not listed on the official North American Species list as seen above.